Sunday, April 28, 2013


Car photography (Celica) from EugeneChan.
The other part of it were taken from Google images.
Spend 3min14sec to render 15seconds.

This is an Adobe AfterEffect exercise, including the use of position, opacity and brightness.
I find that for now the basics are not that hard to understand and I think to make a short clip to feel alive, a lot of details must be paid attention to.
Finding a suitable image is very important and I feel that I did not do a good job in this part.

The video started with the focus of the shadow and brightness of the car when the sun appear, then the turning of sky from bright to dark and finally my name and the date.
The quality for H264 is limited.

Overall, I think AfterEffect is a very fun software to use :)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

DailyExpenditure Infographic


Chicken - RM3
Broccoli - RM0.80
coffee - RM0.90
Protein shake - RM3.50
Tomato - RM0.30
Vitamin/FishOil - RM1

UniGym - RM1.25
Protein shake - RM6.00

Snowy Meal - RM8.30
Tomato - RM0.30
DutchLady- RM0.90

Dinner - RM4
protein shake - RM3.50

Petrol/day -RM7.1
Toll/day - RM4.2
Parking - RM3

Food - RM11.2
Supplement - RM14
Transport - RM14.3

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Observations of Infographic.

-Sorry for the late update, I was finding the plug to transfer the picture-
The photo I have taken are mostly the common things we see in Taylor's LakeSide
Ok first of all these 2 toilet signs.

The first one was existed somewhere around December 2012.
The logo for the toilet was very clear, the male logo was filled with blue color and that can be recognized easily that this is a male toilet. And its visually nice to see. Our common sense will tell us that the blur color indicates male while the pink color is for the female.

The second photo shows the current 2013 toilet logo.
Logos of the male and female was only created using outline and the visual are not as good as the previous logo. The female doesn't look like a female, its more like a male logo with arm while the male logo are like a stick, not sure what it is. There is no color for the logo, this is a very bad example because I've seen a lot of Taylor students went into the wrong toilet because of the sign. Its hard to see the gender logo if you were walking too fast or you were thinking something else.

This is why I feel that color plays an important role in delivering an info or message. It should be something that catches your attention at first sight, entering the wrong toilet will not be happening if there was color, at least not that often. Obviously Taylor did not do a good job in creating this logo, most of my friends think that the logo are off and its hard to differentiate between the male and female logo if you are in a hurry.


This is the one of the infographic I saw beside the parking ticket machine.
Personally I feel that this infographic is a good infographic.
Maybe people will feel like this is not too graphical or nicely design, maybe that's because this is a SAFETY & EMERGENCY GUIDE, we need the seriousness of infographic when it comes to things like this.
Medical Emergency, Security Assistance and Fire Emergency category was arranged neatly, there are phone numbers under the big title, which makes it easier to see, and to make a call for help.

After that they got the extra info on step by step what should you do when you are in a particular emergency, like for example the Medical Emergency.
-Type of emergency.
-Location of the victim.
-Condition of the victim.
-Any dangerous condition.
-DO NOT MOVE the victim unless there is other immediate life threatening emergency, such as fire.
-Render first aid ONLY if you are trained to do so.
-Do not leave the injured person except to summon help.
-Assure the victim that help is on the way.

I really feel like this is a very useful infographic in delivering the message.
Not to mention the colors are used wisely, it is easy to read and it got light, so either its dark or bright we are able to read the info on it. Logos are easy to recognized, Medic, Police and Fire, we can understand easily without reading the title of the logo.


Another speed art done :)
Inspiration from the movie Battle of LA.
The color was a bit off at the center and the bottom part of the KLCC was not nicely done.
There are a lot of part in this image to be touch up but due to the size of the file, my computer is too slow to handle it, This is why I never touch up for a lot of part in it.
I think I should get a new highspec computer when the price of the computer drop down a few months later.
Hopefully I can get a bigger monitor too :D

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Kak, Irfan, Sennie, Fortunate , Fatima

So here is our idea,
I was driving today morning when this idea pop out.

What I realised everytime I'm on the way to Taylor and on the way back is that, most of the car only have 1 driver alone, I guess that is one of the reason why there is always traffic jam.
So I thought like making an infographic about how buses/public transport help in reducing traffic jam problem and at the same time encourage people to take the bus. Something like that.
This is our group idea.

*UPDATED 9-4-13:

Topic – How buses help to solve traffic jam problem & why is it better to take a bus.

Lively city such as Kuala Lumpur, but our focus areas are Bandar Sunway and Subang.

Why traffic jam?
Nowadays a lot people is driving alone, that’s why the road is always jam. There are several schools, colleges and university located in Bandar Sunway and Subang. There are also plenty of offices around these area.

Students and workers.

The peak time of traffic jam is morning around 7am to 10am and 5pm to 7pm in the evening. Morning is the time when most of the students & workers going to school, college, university or workplace while the evening is jam because of most of the people are going back at the same time.

What solution?
Use of public transport such as bus (Rapid KL) to reduce the number of cars on road.

How it works?
A Rapid KL bus can roughly fits 36 passengers, which mean one bus represented 36 cars. It save plenty of space. The lesser the number of cars, the lower the probability of traffic jam.


Why must we solve the traffic jam?
- To save time.
- Need not the stuck on the road for long time.
- To save cost.
-Need not to pay for toll, petrol and car park fees.
- To save the environment.
-The lesser the cars on road, the lesser the emission of CO2.

Take bus(number of cars decrease)>Lesser traffic jam>Save time+ Save cost+ Eco-friendly

This information serves to educate Taylors university students of the possible and effective ways of combating the big problem of traffic jam in the Sunway areas and at Taylor's University as a whole.

By using Public Transport which is the busses we are not only reducing traffic jams tremendously but also avoiding getting to classes late or even miss a lecture or two. Also avoiding getting one’s car clamped by the security and avoiding to pay for parking space or fine if clamped.