Sunday, June 8, 2014

PP1 update 3

The cover design for the book

The page would be writing, Teddy is a superhero. Create and customize your own Teddy. Teddy's superhero name is _________.
(It will allow children to create their own superhero teddy freely, they might include characteristics that they like from superheroes movie that they have seen.)

The page with paw colour. Draw an object beside each colour that has the same colour next to the paw.
(Just a kick-start for them to use colour in their drawing and also stimulate their thinking of what object are what colour.)

Pages with shape.
Teddy lives in a special house, build the house using shapes.
(well once again they will have the chance to build a house based on their idea and imagination, of course they can be encourage by parents to do better by asking them questions)

Behind the house, there is a zebra resting under an apple tree that has 8 apple.
(Just to see how would everyone draw an apple tree differently and what their apple colour would be. Zebra will be an inspiration for them later on for the zebra crossing

One day, the clock tower stop working at 3 in the afternoon because of a missing gear. Find a solution.
In progress.