Tuesday, May 20, 2014

PP1 Update 2

So here is some of the children artwork that I saw, and there are more. Basically this would help me in my visuals when I am creating the storybook, better understanding of how children would do on to a paper.
As I can notice, most of the children drawing are quite flat, 2D. Sizes of object are not really important for them yet and their imaginations are still running wild without making too much sense when they are creating a piece of drawing.

I was creating a storyboard for my storybook.
The book will mostly be black and white along with some color, this is to allow children to have more space for their own imagination drawing. Of course for this book, there should always be guidance from parents.

And the stories should be something like :
1. There will be a teddy as main character which the child has to paint it, this is where the children can unleash their imagination what round thing are there, such as fruits, football and etc.

2. There would be a clock where it stop working because of a missing gear, children have to solve this by copying the gear around it, or come up with an idea for it.

3.Beautify the city with flowers or some wall drawing to make it look better. Parents can guide them at the same time to create and beautify the city.

4.City running out of lights. Children have to think of ways to create light, maybe they could draw a moon, or fill up the battery slot with battery so the bulb lights up.

5.Eventually the main character feel bored of city life and the teddy would like to go to the jungle to explore more, this is when he have to cross the bridge to find his way to the jungle. There will be few types of color for the teddy to make decision which one he like to go to.

6.Building a home for teddy in the jungle. Children can put the house on the tree or below the tree, or maybe just using the tree as the house, that all depends on the children creativity.