Monday, September 22, 2014

Sunday, June 8, 2014

PP1 update 3

The cover design for the book

The page would be writing, Teddy is a superhero. Create and customize your own Teddy. Teddy's superhero name is _________.
(It will allow children to create their own superhero teddy freely, they might include characteristics that they like from superheroes movie that they have seen.)

The page with paw colour. Draw an object beside each colour that has the same colour next to the paw.
(Just a kick-start for them to use colour in their drawing and also stimulate their thinking of what object are what colour.)

Pages with shape.
Teddy lives in a special house, build the house using shapes.
(well once again they will have the chance to build a house based on their idea and imagination, of course they can be encourage by parents to do better by asking them questions)

Behind the house, there is a zebra resting under an apple tree that has 8 apple.
(Just to see how would everyone draw an apple tree differently and what their apple colour would be. Zebra will be an inspiration for them later on for the zebra crossing

One day, the clock tower stop working at 3 in the afternoon because of a missing gear. Find a solution.
In progress.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

PP1 Update 2

So here is some of the children artwork that I saw, and there are more. Basically this would help me in my visuals when I am creating the storybook, better understanding of how children would do on to a paper.
As I can notice, most of the children drawing are quite flat, 2D. Sizes of object are not really important for them yet and their imaginations are still running wild without making too much sense when they are creating a piece of drawing.

I was creating a storyboard for my storybook.
The book will mostly be black and white along with some color, this is to allow children to have more space for their own imagination drawing. Of course for this book, there should always be guidance from parents.

And the stories should be something like :
1. There will be a teddy as main character which the child has to paint it, this is where the children can unleash their imagination what round thing are there, such as fruits, football and etc.

2. There would be a clock where it stop working because of a missing gear, children have to solve this by copying the gear around it, or come up with an idea for it.

3.Beautify the city with flowers or some wall drawing to make it look better. Parents can guide them at the same time to create and beautify the city.

4.City running out of lights. Children have to think of ways to create light, maybe they could draw a moon, or fill up the battery slot with battery so the bulb lights up.

5.Eventually the main character feel bored of city life and the teddy would like to go to the jungle to explore more, this is when he have to cross the bridge to find his way to the jungle. There will be few types of color for the teddy to make decision which one he like to go to.

6.Building a home for teddy in the jungle. Children can put the house on the tree or below the tree, or maybe just using the tree as the house, that all depends on the children creativity.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Promote creativity in children through illustration.
The problem that I think exist is that children are not too stimulated with their creativity. Creativity is the key to problem solving no matter which field they are going into in the future.

As a graphic designer student I feel that it is important to encourage and develop creativity in children as most of the children are stuck with the mobile gadget now which doesn’t really help much in creating possibility in problem solving because they were taught to make choices instead of creating one.

My idea was to create a book for young children to stimulate their creativity.

Research on Creativity in Young Children.
Researchers say they are finding exactly that in a 2010 study of about 300,000 creativity tests going back to the 1970s, Kyung Hee Kim, a creativity researcher at the College of William and Mary, found creativity has decreased among American children in recent years. Since 1990, children have become less able to produce unique and unusual idea. They are also less humorous, less imaginative and less able to elaborate ideas, Kim said.

-To solve a problem creatively, children need to be able to see a variety of perspectives and to generate several solutions

-Leaving realities behind; to let the imaginations run wild, one must not limit a child to think realistically but to let the child think as creatively as they want.

-Scribbling is one of the way children express themselves before writing. Objects, people will usually be a child first attempt with a wide variety of colours.

-Using and exploring different type of drawing material


Book of Creativity
What do I mean by book of creativity is a story book, where there will be story telling and children are required to draw and guide the characters through the story.
For example : There is a phone that need to cross the river, what should be added to a phone to cross the river.

This could stimulate the creativity and thoughts in children as they might have different solution for this problem, some might draw wings for it and some might draw a boat and etc.
It will be a book that let young children’s imagination run wild with illustration instead of teaching them what to do.


An example of how the image will be like in the book.
Questions will be ask to the children throughout this book to stimulate one's creativity.

Children want their art to look like the object they are looking at. Failing in this attempt can be discouraging, Children need to be taught that art is not limited to copying what they see. Adults can show children other styles of art (such as impressionistic or cubist art) to help them see that the free expression of ideas and emotions is more important than creating a mirror image.

Reference link

Monday, March 17, 2014

Cute Illustration

This is the first time I have done something like this, I was doing a lot of photoshop and I decided to break through my comfort zone and did some 2D cute illustration.
After the 2D version, I created a 3D for it using Photoshop CC. It was also my first time of using it, it is fun to discover new things.

It changes my way of thinking in certain way and illustration like this can be interesting too in my opinion.
I hope to further develop this style when I have the time.

This was used for my Facebook Cover photo.
It is done on 28 February.
And below is the one I did for my Facebook Profile picture.

Monday, February 10, 2014

CNY 2014

This is my first post for 2014 and this was inspired by Sergey Likhachev.
It is specially made for Chinese New Year 2014 (Year of the Horse)
What I liked about Sergey Likhachev work is that there is always the aesthetics in his work, especially his detailing in lighting and colours used, creating an urge to explore the fictional place he created.

Of course there should be improvement done to my art especially the lower part of this but I will continue to learn and explore more.